General Advices
- the game is still unfinished beta; there are many bugs and things not working as intended
- there are like 5 weeks of content
- try to enjoy the game without looking at spoilers
- fantasy virtual game right now kinda sucks
- Menu > Settings > Main Settings > Skip the Virtual Game will skip the parts of the game taking place in the fantasy virtual game (instead of playing they show a brief summary what happened)
- playing the virtual fantasy game is enforced when Kate is too behind with it; all other options except for Procrastinate are hidden
- do not procrastinate
- do not Procrastinate in the game either
- Settings > Cheatmode > Soft will show unavailable options requiring different stats or previous choices
- ⚠️ Force next event ⚠️ button could be used if the active displayed even is broken, there are no links allowing you to continue or no text at all; it skips the rest of the event and advances to the next scheduled one. But use only in case of emergencies, it potentialy can break the game
- if the game behaves weirdly, sometimes helps to save the game and then refresh the page
- the game gets autosaved every day and when you enter or finish a dungeon in the virtual game. There are three slots for autosaves and the last one gets rewritten every time when a new one gets made
- sex scenes are distributed gradualy to not burn out too quickly; in the first third of the game (week 1 and week 2) mostly softcore stuff; sex in the second third; kinky stuff like anal or involving multiple people in the last third